Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Šopský salát or шопска салата

Šopský was my favorite when I lived in the Czech Republic. When I met Brandon, I was informed that it actually originated in Bulgaria. When we went to Bulgaria, I had it almost every day and I admit, it was better than it was in the Czech Republic. In Salt Lake City, we were able to find real Bulgarian goat cheese but if you can't find it, feta cheese will do.

Just throw all the ingredients into a bowl. You don't have to use my measurements and can adjust to your taste.

2 cups sliced cucumber
2 cups chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup red onion
1 Tb olive oil
1 Tb balsamic vinegar
feta cheese (crumbled) to taste
salt and pepper to taste


JoAnna said...

Awesome! Thanks for inviting me too. Great name! love you!!

Tara Shirley said...

HEY! This is one of Brett's favorite things from the Czech Republic too! We love it and make it all the time.